Leg Two of Two
The next part of our trip was from Chicago to Cincinnati. Because it's only a short trip and not overnight, we decided to take coach seats instead of a roomette.
The seats are spacious, not like the cattle-car ones on airplanes. They have adjustable foot rests and plenty of room for our bags above our seats and in front of us below the seats in front of us. The extra space between seats allows them to be adjusted without squishing the people in the ones behind us.
The so-called dining car was nothing like the one we had for the Flagstaff-to-Chicago leg. You could get short-order items to take back to your seat or go to a place where a few tables were available and a dinner could be ordered. Very few choices for dinner, especially since my wife and I are vegetarians. We selected vegetable lasagna, pretty good but also very expensive. On our way back home, I think we'll pack some stuff for breakfast since that train departs at 1:30 am and gets into Chicago around 10:00 am. We have a much longer wait in Chicago going back. I might check if there's anything around the terminal to see, or we'll just take more time to read books and use the Internet (if it works this time!).
The train had to stop several times to allow freight trains to use the rails, so we arrived at Union Terminal in Cincinnati around 4:30 am rather than the scheduled 3:30 am. We then took a cab to our condo about ten miles away.
The total trip took about two days as compared to the four or five days we take to drive. By the time we drive to Phoenix for a plane trip and sometimes stay the night before if we have an early-morning flight, then are wedged into seats for four hours or more after waiting in line and having a body check, a good part of one day or more elapses. So a two-day train trip isn't that much longer, and the price isn't significantly more.
I'll follow this train-trip blog with at least one other for our trip back home.